
Archive for January 6th, 2013

Fake Stone Wall

So today we went to our (or nearly our) flat that’s been in construction for the last 4 years approximately (very long story), although we only climbed on board just a year ago. On board seems to be an appropriate metaphor, since the whole complex is looking more and more like a cruise ship as time goes by….(in a good way, honestly). And the metaphor of a ship works well too to describe the slowness of time passing, with no sight of dry land. We had been expecting to move in October. Now it’s looking more like March. But it will definitely be worth it.

ImageThey’ve had to build a lot of external walls too, since the building is on a very steep slope. I was impressed by the method for making this fake stone wall – a few guys from across the border (could be Slovenia, more likely Croatia) employed in plastering, then drawing the shapes of the stones with what looked like a simple pizza cutter wheel, then colouring them individually with a paintbrush, and glazing them over. Image

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